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A woman was unable to pass through passport control because she was using an anti-aging product invented by her daughter that was too effective

| 20.04.2024 |



How to take care of your skin


Miraculous remedies

It was only thanks to a curious incident at Toronto airport that the general public was able to learn about the incredible scientific breakthrough in facial rejuvenation that a modest Canadian girl managed to make for the well-being of her aging mother.

A simply incredible story happened recently at the Toronto airport. While checking out an air ticket for a Toronto-Paris flight, border police officers detained a 50-year-old woman. According to the law, they found a mismatch between the passport photo and the bearer’s face.

Despite all the protests of the lady, who tried to prove that the passport belonged to her and the changes in her appearance were caused by the fact that a few weeks before departure she had started using an anti-aging product developed by her daughter, a medical student, the officers did not believe her and arrested her to clarify all the circumstances.


Elizabeth Russell
Toronto Airport Border Police

– We acted as instructed. The passport photo showed a completely

different person, 15 years older than its owner. What confused me

most of all was that the passport had only recently been issued, about

a month ago. As far as I know, not even plastic surgery can produce

such quick results, which made me suspicious.

However, it turns out that there is a remedy that gives fast results even without surgery! And it was invented by a simple Canadian student who wanted to help her mother regain her beauty and youth.

Hey, Sarah! Please tell us how you managed to create such an effective anti-aging remedy that even at the airport your mom was not believed that her passport photo was in her passport.

You know, all this was done in gratitude to my mother, who raised me and put all her strength into my upbringing…. A few years ago, my father left our family. I don’t like to remember that time. My mom raised me alone… It was hard, my mom took 2 jobs to pay for my education. For years, my mother was the only one responsible for our family. Can you imagine how hard it is? The constant stresses and strains crippled her health. She was only 50, but she looked much older than her years. Naturally, she was neglected by men and suffered from loneliness. At that age, it’s hard to have a personal life.

Did you try to help her?

Surely you think I could watch my mother fade away? After all, 50 is not old age! At this age, you can only start living for yourself, building your happiness as a woman! I wanted to help my mother and decided to look for her rejuvenating remedy to restore her former beauty and self-confidence. However, neither in pharmacies, nor in beauty salons, nor on the Internet I could not find a really good anti-aging tool.

So you decided to develop your own tool?

Yes, I’m studying to be a pharmacist, I’m about to graduate and become a postgraduate student. So I have the skills and knowledge to do this. I used only natural ingredients in the development.

The first results were stunning! Take at least my mother’s story. This trip to Paris was my birthday present to her. I was working part-time and had some money saved up, so I decided to indulge her with a little vacation so she could rest, relax, maybe meet someone. It was her first time flying abroad and her passport was done just 1.5 months before she left. Can you imagine how much younger she got in that time that even the airport staff didn’t believe her? For me, the effect of the anti-aging cream was a shock, but believe me, it is a very pleasant shock. Thanks to my remedy, my mother began to look young and attractive, and this is very important for a woman.

My product quickly smoothes even deep wrinkles, tightens the contour of the face, removes bags under the eyes – this is a recipe for youth. In the course of research, it was found that the cream has a positive effect on the overall health and condition of the skin of the body. After seeing such incredible results, I decided to patent my formula, and just in time!

After I received the patent, I started getting calls from representatives of pharmaceutical companies. They all asked me to sell them the recipe and transfer ownership.

But you didn’t agree?

That’s right. I created the anti-aging program for my mom, not for profit. I want other ordinary women who don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars for surgeries and rejuvenation procedures to be able to regain their beauty and youthfulness on their own at home. This is my idea, and I cannot compromise my principles.

And how did you manage to establish full-fledged production? After all, this requires significant investment.

The university administration helped. Together with our laboratory and research institute, we were able to produce the anti-aging product here on site. And they even came up with a great name for it – CaviArgan.

Thomas Morgan
Senior Laboratory Assistant, Faculty of Medicine

– Sarah’s designs are truly unique. This composition of plant components and in such proportions works real miracles in the field of rejuvenation. When we conducted the first clinical trials, the result shocked the entire scientific world!

CaviArgan is completely devoid of the disadvantages of existing solutions, which are expensive, have side effects and contraindications, and most importantly, provide only a temporary effect. CaviArgan shows excellent results at any age and can be used without restrictions. Clinical studies have shown that even in women over 65 years old, deep age wrinkles quickly smooth out, dryness and sagging disappear. CaviArgan is also effective in preventing age-related changes in women over 20 years of age. With this cream you can remove stretch marks, smooth the skin of your hands, accelerate hair growth and strengthen your nails.

I can say with confidence that there are simply no analogues to this anti-aging product today.

Amazing results from the cream on arms, hair and stomach

Darcy Weaver
Director of Research Institute

– When we tried to launch the sale of our product in pharmacies, we encountered opposition from large corporations. Nobody wanted to destroy the market with low prices. CaviArgan objectively turned out to be the best anti-aging product among all existing ones. Unfortunately, selling such an effective product at a low price is not part of the plans of pharmacy chains. For them, profit is primarily important.

We made a firm decision to refuse such conditions and implement CaviArgan ourselves. Thanks to this, we are able to set the lowest price for an anti-aging product.

We also managed to meet Sarah’s mother, who laughingly recalls that funny incident at the airport.

– If only you knew how pleased I was when at passport control they didn’t believe me that it was me in the photo! To be honest, even the postponed trip to Paris did not spoil my mood. I am incredibly grateful to my daughter for such a gift. She’s just a miracle!

Your daughter said that it was you who encouraged her to develop CaviArgan.

– It’s very touching. I remember how she brought me the first package of CaviArgan. Back then there was no talk of any kind of product – it was a gift designed and created by her herself, with her own hands. I even cried then. I am very grateful to her…

And how long did it take for you to get the first results?

– No more than a month! Since my daughter gave me a gift for a flight to Paris, I have used the product every day and have been surprised by the results. I looked at least 15 years younger! Yes, you probably see everything!

And it’s not just beauty. My life has changed for the better. I became more confident and got a promotion at work. People around me began to treat me better, life just sparkled with new colors! I became younger not only in appearance. but also inside! My personal life improved, men who were much younger than me began to show interest in me! Now I am truly and femininely happy, and yes, I have a man who loves me. I won’t say how old he is, but he is younger than me.

By the way, I never went on vacation then, having missed my flight due to being detained. But recently I finally went on vacation with my new boyfriend! And all this thanks to my daughter and her miracle product CaviArgan. It’s great that this anti-aging product will be made here in Canada and will help our women become better, more beautiful and younger!

And you are fresh again thanks to CaviArgan, without additional drugs and procedures?

– Yes, I saved a photo of my gradual change, look. The skin became younger, the hair became thicker, the nails became stronger. I’m incredibly happy to see myself like this.

It is worth noting that CaviArgan has passed all clinical trials and is on sale with delivery throughout Canada. However, seeing the success of the new product, many fakes appeared on the market. In addition, large pharmacy chains and pharmaceutical corporations do their best to oppose sales of the new drug and create clone sites on which they sell their drugs at inflated prices.

Here is my photo from the site, so you can be sure of honesty

Our readers can order the original CaviArgan for free ONLY on the manufacturer’s official website:


UNTIL 26.04.2024 INCLUDED!


Matilda Fowler


This is a miracle cure!!! I want that too. Let me at least 10 times removed from flights! Already received my product, very easy to use.

Elizabeth Holt


So what’s the problem? Girls, we order everything for ourselves CaviArgan and get younger!

Leah Dines


I already bought myself. Here is the result:

Emma Beahan


Excellent result!

Molly Stone


The most important transformation happens within you. First, your face becomes younger – and then emotions and happiness appear in your life again, this is beyond words!

Gemma Jones


I completely agree! After using this remedy, my husband began to show interest in me again, we are experiencing a second youth with him, we have sex more often than 20 years ago!

Hayley Dines


And here are my photos. Now I’m even ashamed to look at how I looked before!

Hazel Ross


I support! CaviArgan works very well with imperfections on the face – everything disappears – and wrinkles and flabbiness. The cream also helped me get rid of stretch marks. This is such happiness!

Lara Marshall


I am 53, do you think this remedy will help? Has very deep wrinkles

Elena Walsman


Should help. Either way, this is by far the best product I’ve ever tried.

Maya Robbinson


A wonderful tool! I will share my achievements

Violet Beahan


How long did this transformation take?

Maya Robbinson


A little over a month

Jade Curry


I’m glad I found out about this tool! So many things have changed in life. I have found real female happiness again … thank you!

Claire Baines


Now no one gives me more than 30, just super! I used to be embarrassed about my appearance, but now I’m embarrassed to say that I’m 43)))

Matilda Fowler


This is a miracle cure!!! I want that too. Let me at least 10 times removed from flights! Already received my product, very easy to use.

Elizabeth Holt


So what’s the problem? Girls, we order everything for ourselves CaviArgan and get younger!

Leah Dines


I already bought myself. Here is the result:

Emma Beahan


Excellent result!

Molly Stone


The most important transformation happens within you. First, your face becomes younger – and then emotions and happiness appear in your life again, this is beyond words!

Gemma Jones


I completely agree! After using this remedy, my husband began to show interest in me again, we are experiencing a second youth with him, we have sex more often than 20 years ago!

Hayley Dines


And here are my photos. Now I’m even ashamed to look at how I looked before!

Hazel Ross


I support! CaviArgan works very well with imperfections on the face – everything disappears – and wrinkles and flabbiness. The cream also helped me get rid of stretch marks. This is such happiness!

Lara Marshall


I am 53, do you think this remedy will help? Has very deep wrinkles

Elena Walsman


Should help. Either way, this is by far the best product I’ve ever tried.

Maya Robbinson


A wonderful tool! I will share my achievements

Violet Beahan


How long did this transformation take?

Maya Robbinson


A little over a month

Jade Curry


I’m glad I found out about this tool! So many things have changed in life. I have found real female happiness again … thank you!

Claire Baines


Now no one gives me more than 30, just super! I used to be embarrassed about my appearance, but now I’m embarrassed to say that I’m 43)))